A Glimpse into the Past and Future of 3D Printing

A Glimpse into the Past and Future of 3D Printing

By - Lorna
19.06.23 12:24 PM

3D printing originated in the 1980s but experienced a surge in popularity during the 2010s, transforming the manufacturing landscape and redefining the possibilities of creation.

    3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has come a long way since its inception in the 1980s. As we continue to witness its transformative impact on various industries, let's take a brief look at its history and explore the possibilities it holds for the future.

    The birth of 3D printing can be traced back to 1984 when Charles (Chuck) Hull invented a method called stereolithography (SLA). This process involved using UV lasers to solidify photopolymer resins layer-by-layer, creating three-dimensional objects. This ground-breaking invention laid the foundation for subsequent advancements in the field.

    In 1987, 3D Systems Corporation, led by Hull, unveiled the revolutionary SLA-1, marking the debut of the stereolithographic apparatus (SLA) machine worldwide. This ground-breaking invention revolutionized manufacturing by enabling the creation of intricate components through a layer-by-layer process, dramatically reducing production time. 

Today, 3D printing is revolutionizing various sectors, from automotive and engineering to medical and homeware. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more exciting developments. Some possibilities include the large-scale production of affordable housing, on-demand spare parts for machines, and even food printing.

Omedelbar Hands - Homeware Decor
Frames - Eyewear
Light Fitting - Engineering
Medical Equipment - Healthcare

Moreover, the advancement of bioprinting holds the potential to change healthcare drastically. It is already being used for creating tissue models, and in the future, it could lead to the production of functional organs, revolutionizing organ transplantation. 

     In conclusion, the history of 3D printing is a story of innovation and exploration. As we look forward to the future, it is clear that this technology will play a pivotal role in shaping our lives, offering sustainable solutions and pushing the boundaries of human ingenuity.


1. History of 3D Printing: It’s Older Than You Think,     Redshift By Autodesk, 2021

2. 3D Bioprinting to Revolutionize the Healthcare Industry, Lab Worldwide, 2022

3. 3D Printing: Then and Now, SignalWire, 2018